Write your screenplay in plain text and run it through this program to make it look good
- 2
Make title page keys case-insensitive
#78 opened by rnkn - 2
- 0
Forced transition doesn't work
#65 opened by mcepl - 1
Duel Dialogue Not Rendering
#69 opened by calligraffiti - 1
how do i include this in my code?
#72 opened by russellaugust - 1
- 2
- 0
Number scene
#73 opened by b4zz4 - 1
- 0
Title page not centered
#50 opened by abenson - 1
- 0
Line Breaks Not Working?
#68 opened by calligraffiti - 16
TypeError when output-file omitted
#53 opened by rnkn - 0
Solution for #37 is actually wrong, I believe
#67 opened by mcepl - 1
- 3
- 1
Port to Python 3
#54 opened by vilcans - 0
- 8
Diacritic characters in generated PDFs?
#35 opened by mckea - 4
- 4
[Errno 24] Too many open files
#52 opened by rnkn - 1
Does not work with Python 3.6
#47 opened by abenson - 4
- 2
- 1
- 3
Javascript library
#44 opened by eckerdan - 0
Highlight a character's lines?
#41 opened by mckea - 2
- 3
Dialogue line numbers?
#38 opened by mckea - 1
"Boneyard" (ie comments) that precede title page?
#36 opened by mckea - 1
Snippet support
#33 opened by bronzehedwick - 1
- 1
Preserve indented actions in PDF output
#30 opened by charneykaye - 4
PDF output tests
#21 opened by charneykaye - 1
HTML: custom css file
#24 opened by cweiske - 2
Usage of h1-h5 in HTML export
#26 opened by cweiske - 3
HTML: Uppercase scene titles with CSS
#25 opened by cweiske - 3
Title and Credits?
#10 opened by Shadeslayer345 - 6
RML output & testing
#15 opened by charneykaye - 0
@ prefix not seen as character name
#22 opened by cweiske - 1
- 1
- 0
- 2
PDF output
#7 opened by RichardDooling - 2
Page # support in HTML output
#9 opened by onitreb - 4
- 3
- 0
Strip leading spaces in character names
#2 opened by vilcans - 0
Page breaks
#3 opened by vilcans