
"Boneyard" (ie comments) that precede title page?

mckea opened this issue · 1 comments

mckea commented

Strictly speaking, this might not be a screenplain-specific question.

On my project, I'm encouraging other writers to use text-based formats like markdown and fountain. I've set up a set of skeleton templates for the various files we use for a story - outline, script, etc. I would like to include at the top of these files some helpful hints as well as links to syntax pages. For example, in fountain scripts I'd like to include a comment that contains a link to .

However, it seems screenplain will not consider a title page to be a title page if it is preceded by a comment. The syntax specification does say "The optional Title Page is always the first thing in a Fountain document" (, but I wonder if the possibility of comments that precede the title hadn't been considered when this rule was established.

That is a good question. The Fountain spec is not clear in this case, but I think this was mentioned in some discussion via e-mail at some point. Maybe this can be a solution?

Title: My Fine Script
    This file is in Fountain format.
    For more information, see