
Selecting Ball presets doesn't update the tool settings and throws an error.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

ecv80 commented

Blender 2.93.1

Selecting Ball presets doesn't update the tool settings and throws the following:

Error: Failed to execute the preset: TypeError('bpy_struct: item.attr = val: enum "BALL" not found in ('END', 'BALLNOSE', 'BULLNOSE', 'VCARVE', 'BALLCONE', 'LASER', 'PLASMA', 'CUSTOM')')

It looks like it's simply a matter of renaming some entries.

I just accepted two pull requests with various fixes. Can you try again and let me know if it works now?

ecv80 commented

Oh, unfortunately it doesn't appear to work, but maybe I didn't update properly. This is all I did: "git pull" and I restarted Blender. Is that enough? Thanks.

I'm also getting extra output: (the "bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "" not found" and "Warning: 'object.importgcode' does not contain 'PT' with prefix and suffix" are a new thing)

$ ./blender
Read prefs: /home/ecv/.config/blender/2.93/config/userpref.blend
Warning: 'object.importgcode' does not contain '_PT_' with prefix and suffix
Info: Deleted 1 object(s)

'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "" not found'
update rest 
update rest 
update rest 
'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "" not found'
update rest 
update rest 
'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "" not found'
update chipload 
update offset
update chipload 
update offset
update chipload 
update offset
Error: Failed to execute the preset: TypeError('bpy_struct: item.attr = val: enum "BALL" not found in (\'END\', \'BALLNOSE\', \'BULLNOSE\', \'VCARVE\', \'BALLCONE\', \'LASER\', \'PLASMA\', \'CUSTOM\')')

ecv80 commented

Also is there a place to have a brief chat? I'm pretty much new to CNC milling and I have a question regarding roughing and finish operations in BlenderCAM.

that was because ball was deleted and not supported by opencamlib. use ballnose instead
the ball were legacy presets