Selecting Ball presets doesn't update the tool settings and throws an error.
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Blender 2.93.1
Selecting Ball presets doesn't update the tool settings and throws the following:
Error: Failed to execute the preset: TypeError('bpy_struct: item.attr = val: enum "BALL" not found in ('END', 'BALLNOSE', 'BULLNOSE', 'VCARVE', 'BALLCONE', 'LASER', 'PLASMA', 'CUSTOM')')
It looks like it's simply a matter of renaming some entries.
I just accepted two pull requests with various fixes. Can you try again and let me know if it works now?
Oh, unfortunately it doesn't appear to work, but maybe I didn't update properly. This is all I did: "git pull" and I restarted Blender. Is that enough? Thanks.
I'm also getting extra output: (the "bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "" not found" and "Warning: 'object.importgcode' does not contain 'PT' with prefix and suffix" are a new thing)
$ ./blender
Read prefs: /home/ecv/.config/blender/2.93/config/userpref.blend
Warning: 'object.importgcode' does not contain '_PT_' with prefix and suffix
Info: Deleted 1 object(s)
'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "" not found'
update rest
update rest
update rest
'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "" not found'
update rest
update rest
'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "" not found'
update chipload
update offset
update chipload
update offset
update chipload
update offset
Error: Failed to execute the preset: TypeError('bpy_struct: item.attr = val: enum "BALL" not found in (\'END\', \'BALLNOSE\', \'BULLNOSE\', \'VCARVE\', \'BALLCONE\', \'LASER\', \'PLASMA\', \'CUSTOM\')')
Also is there a place to have a brief chat? I'm pretty much new to CNC milling and I have a question regarding roughing and finish operations in BlenderCAM.
that was because ball was deleted and not supported by opencamlib. use ballnose instead
the ball were legacy presets