
Denops crashing when launching vim

Closed this issue · 6 comments

When I launch vim I see this error:

CleanShot 2023-01-11 at 12 52 51@2x

It looks like this line needs to become --no-check?

Shougo commented

I think your deno's version is too old.
Please upgrade your deno.

Shougo commented

Please see the comment.

#207 (comment)

Ahh icic, yup that was probably it, thanks!

Perhaps there should be a deno version check on launch and an error message saying to update if we aren't running the correct version

Shougo commented

Perhaps there should be a deno version check on launch and an error message saying to update if we aren't running the correct version

It seems hard. Because it affects the performance.

We can use checkhealth command in Neovim or CheckHealth in Vim with rhysd/vim-healthcheck. It produces the following messages so users can find the reason.


denops: health#denops#check
  - INFO: Supported Deno version: `1.28.0`
  - INFO: Detected Deno version: `1.26.2`
  - ERROR: Unsupported Deno version is detected. You need to upgrade it to `1.28.0` or later.
  - INFO: Supported Neovim version: `0.8.0`
  - INFO: Detected Neovim version: `0.8.2`
  - OK: Neovim version check: passed
  - INFO: Denops status: `stopped`
  - ERROR: Denops is stopped. Execute `:message` command to find reasons.

Vim with rhysd/vim-healthcheck

denops: health#denops#check
  - INFO: Supported Deno version: `1.28.0`
  - INFO: Detected Deno version: `1.26.2`
  - ERROR: Unsupported Deno version is detected. You need to upgrade it to `1.28.0` or later.
  - INFO: Supported Vim version: `9.0.0472`
  - INFO: Detected Vim version: `9.0.1151`
  - OK: Vim version check: passed
  - INFO: Denops status: `stopped`
  - ERROR: Denops is stopped. Execute `:message` command to find reasons.