
plugconf is not read

hupfdule opened this issue · 2 comments

I have the following plugconf for vim-airline:

$ cat $HOME/volt/plugconf/

" vim:et:sw=2:ts=2
" Plugin configuration like the code written in vimrc.
" This configuration is executed *before* a plugin is loaded.
function! s:on_load_pre()
  let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
  let g:airline#extensions#branch#enabled = 1
  let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'unique_tail_improved'
  let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1

" Plugin configuration like the code written in vimrc.
" This configuration is executed *after* a plugin is loaded.
function! s:on_load_post()
  if exists(":AirlineToggle")
    set noshowmode   " we don't need showmode indicator with airline

" This function determines when a plugin is loaded.
" Possible values are:
" * 'start' (a plugin will be loaded at VimEnter event)
" * 'filetype=<filetypes>' (a plugin will be loaded at FileType event)
" * 'excmd=<excmds>' (a plugin will be loaded at CmdUndefined event)
" <filetypes> and <excmds> can be multiple values separated by comma.
" This function must contain 'return "<str>"' code.
" (the argument of :return must be string literal)
function! s:loaded_on()
  return 'start'

" Dependencies of this plugin.
" The specified dependencies are loaded after this plugin is loaded.
" This function must contain 'return [<repos>, ...]' code.
" (the argument of :return must be list literal, and the elements are string)
" e.g. return ['']
function! s:depends()
  return []

But it is not respected when starting vim.

I also tried to replace the s:on_load_pre() with s:config(), since the disrepancy between README and generated plugconf, but it doesn't change anything.

Also the installed bundled_plugconf.vim only contains lines with packadd to load the plugins, bot no lines to execute my plugconfs (but I am not sure if it supposed to do so).

Did you volt build after you edit the plugconf?

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I did execute volt build after doing the modification.
However, it is working now. I cannot reproduce it again.
Therefore I close this issue now. If it happens again, I will open it again.