
disable sorting alphabetically when running volt build on generated bundled_plugconf.vim

sabitm opened this issue · 2 comments

i want to install textobj-entire plugin that depend on textobj-user. textobj-user plugin must be added before textobj-entire. but volt build default behavior seems to sort all plugins first before generating bundled_plugconf.vim. When (packadd) sorted, textobj-user will appear under textobj-entire. Hence error occured when opening vim.

is there any way or workaround for this?

Did you specify textobj-user in the plugconf file for textobj-entire?
That should actually sort the plugins to be loaded in the correct order.

It should look like this:

function! s:depends()
  return ['kana/vim-textobject-user']

Thanks very much!
I'm new to vim and volt. And adding to plugconf works perfectly