
PmenuMatch/PmenuMatchSel check

habamax opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi @romainl, @neutaaaaan,

I have updated all the colorschemes (apart sorbet and quiet, which @neutaaaaan updated himself) with PmenuMatch/Sel.

I did it only for GUI/256 colors and I don't think we need it for lesser color environments.

Please check if I missed/put bad colors there.

I've checked a few colorschemes, and the changes feel coherent to me.

I'll try working something out for the 8/16c versions, but I agree it's unlikely to work out in some cases.

Thank you. Unfortunately I won't be able to test that new feature until MacVim is updated.

Will update main vim with current colorschemes, it's been awhile.
If anything left, would be pushed with subsequent updates.