- 4
Windows critique
#148 opened - 2
Quickfix critique
#147 opened - 2
Popupmenu critique
#146 opened - 3
Misc critique
#145 opened - 11
Messages critique
#144 opened - 17
Diff critique
#143 opened - 6
- 1
highlight debugPC, debugBreakpoint
#139 opened - 2
#137 opened - 12
- 10
TODO for inclusion of the remakes
#132 opened - 8
- 0
blue.vim 256c uses ctermfg=15 for Statement
#129 opened - 4
- 24
#125 opened - 2
- 12
16c Diff Colors
#121 opened - 4
- 6
check_colors vs !has('patch-8.0.0616')
#118 opened - 4
Update colors/README.txt with relevant info
#117 opened - 2
Review: diff colors visibility
#112 opened - 7
Review: color consistency
#108 opened - 0
evening.vim tabline issues
#107 opened - 4
blue error is badly visible in diff mode
#105 opened - 0
evening folding
#104 opened - 5
IncSearch visibility issues
#102 opened - 5
- 0
Add no color support (t_Co=0)
#89 opened - 7
Colortemplate Variant: 0
#88 opened - 1
Reality check
#87 opened - 2
Should we prescribe hl-User1..9?
#86 opened - 2
Popup menu galore
#83 opened - 3
Remake macvim.vim
#82 opened - 10
Remake default.vim
#81 opened - 5
`Terminal` inconsistencies.
#71 opened - 12
- 9
- 5
Expand the team
#64 opened - 10
#60 opened - 1
Default variants
#59 opened - 4
- 6
- 4
- 22
- 12
Header comment of "remakes"
#43 opened - 2
What to do with templates?
#41 opened - 2
- 0
- 10
Unnecessary "syntax reset"
#34 opened - 1