
Could you update to the latest Ruby please (3.1.2)?

Praful opened this issue · 3 comments

I've just installed Vim from here via winget. I have the latest perl, python and lua, which work with this version of vim. However, I have Ruby 3.1.2 installed and when running a ruby command, I get:

E370: Could not load library x64-msvcrt-ruby300.dll: The specified module could not be found.

I have the "310" DLL. Does this require that you re-compile with the ruby 3.1?


Not sure, current builds are compiled against Ruby 3.0 as can be seen here:

set RUBY_VER=30
set RUBY_BRANCH=ruby_3_0
set RUBY_RELEASE=3.0.2-1

I am not sure if Ruby 3.1.2 is binary compatible with Ruby 3.0, (I assume not) but you could try to use :set rubydll=<dll> Note: use a dll for the same architecture as your vim is using (e.g. 64 vs 32 bit) and make sure to handle backslashes properly and **do not ** quote the name, see also :h option-backslash

Easiest is to just copy the dll into the same directory where your vim is and just use :set rubydll=64-msvcrt-ruby310.dll and test if this works

Many thanks @chrisbra for the help. I added the following to vimrc and all is well again:

set rubydll=C:/ruby/3.1.2-1/bin/x64-ucrt-ruby310.dll
