Plz add function about _decode_jwt_from_session
momentforever opened this issue · 1 comments
momentforever commented
Description of the new feature / enhancement
add LocationType about get JWT from session(not from cookie
Supporting information
- One way to achieve (Demo)
def _decode_jwt_from_session(refresh: bool) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]:
from flask import session
if refresh:
cookie_key = config.refresh_cookie_name
csrf_header_key = config.refresh_csrf_header_name
csrf_field_key = config.refresh_csrf_field_name
cookie_key = config.access_cookie_name
csrf_header_key = config.access_csrf_header_name
csrf_field_key = config.access_csrf_field_name
encoded_token = session.get(cookie_key)
if not encoded_token:
raise NoAuthorizationError('Missing cookie "{}"'.format(cookie_key))
if config.csrf_protect and request.method in config.csrf_request_methods:
csrf_value = request.headers.get(csrf_header_key, None)
if not csrf_value and config.csrf_check_form:
csrf_value = request.form.get(csrf_field_key, None)
if not csrf_value:
raise CSRFError("Missing CSRF token")
csrf_value = None
return encoded_token, csrf_value
vimalloc commented
Seems reasonable. I can add this to my list of things to accomplish when time allows, or if you would like to make a PR to add this functionality, that is always welcome!