
Vimfest 2017 Voices

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Here you can leave one sentences of two what you experiences on the vimfest and how did you find the hackathon.

Here are some examples from 2015:

I had a great time at Vimfest this year. It helped me a lot to discuss my workflow with other Vim-Enthusiasts. A big thank-you to the organizers, I'm looking forward to a new edition of Vim-Fest next year.

Vimfest was a very nice event, greatly enjoyed the topics and people, and came home with a number of inspirations and ideas for my vim life. ;-)

This was one of the most inspiring hackathons I attended so far – it exceeded my expectations by far, and those were high already! There was a warm, friendly atmosphere, full of respect and openness, really great. Looking forward a lot to the second Vimfest.

@wikimatze The effort you put into the event is greatly appreciated. Live streaming was a nice surprise.

Getting people engaged seems to be the biggest challenge. There are many vim enthusiasts near Berlin, why didn't more show up?

Was the event advertised on #vim irc channel? What about ?

Exposing the event through media (videos, live streaming) will get more people engaged and interested in attending. I think that's being handled well, I don't have any suggestions there, except to note that it's important.

Perhaps the event should be scheduled near a bigger event. For example, . Then people might add a day to their plans, to attend vimfest.

Thank you very much for your feedback, @justinmk. Engaging people is always an issue - last year we had forty on the list and only 15 appeared. This year we had 15 on the list and 14 appeared. The event was shared via twitter, mailing lists, mentioned on ... not on reddit.

I'll take that in account.

Schedule vimevent around other event is not so easy, we nearly plan this event one year before. and the third September weekend is perfect because vacation time is over hear in Berlin.