
ideas / feature request

c-sanchez opened this issue · 3 comments

Here are some ideas that I think would be nice to have in VinaText, I apologize if the topic is a bit long, especially with the images heh

  1. The line numbers I think are using unnecessary space, you can fix it by making this part "dynamic".

  2. There is some option to customize how the indent is to be set (tabs or spaces), and in case of spaces to set how many spaces the user wants.
    Some prefer to use tabs, others prefer 2, 3, 4 spaces, etc.

  3. An option to select whether to display the default code folding open or closed.
    This is an option that I like in AkelPad in the "coder" plugin, an option of how to show the folding by default.
    For me for example it is very useful because I like to organize some of my notes in an ini file (its structure seems to me perfect for this).

  4. Files written but not saved, keep in memory / some temporary file.
    This is a default option of Notepad++, very useful to have "temporary" notes without saving the file.
    When reopening the editor it shows the last documents written / opened (as the editor was left the last time) including those that have not been saved.

That's all for the moment, I might have some more ideas that I would like, but I think that's enough for now haha

Hello Sanchez,

Thank you very much for your enthusiasm and great ideas also.
Yeah we have noted them for the next roadmap already.

I just found this program and I want to congratulate the developers for making it. I like the fact that it has a classical Windows interface, it's small and fast. A rare gem in a world full of big, bloated, slow software build with frameworks like Electron, which would take 100-200 MiB for a program like VinaText.
Please continue to improve it and never abandon this efficient editor.

I'll continue the list from above with some suggestions.

  1. Portablity. The config is now stored in AppData\Roaming\VinaText. Also has a lot of keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VinaText-Vinadevs. Make it portable, write only to the current directory, so users can take the settings with them.

  2. Make a killer function to compare files :)

  3. Anchor the objects in the search window also to the right and bottom.

  4. Make a detailed list of changes for the new versions. A good example would be Total Commander's list of changes:

  5. Implement the possibility for the users to create their custom syntax highlighter using regulated expressions, like CudaText or SublimeText.

Hello Ags1234,

Thank you very much for your all suggestions!
We noted them into the next roadmap.

About 6. Make a killer function to compare files :)
You can use current compare path tool to compare files in the menu: Explorer > Compare Two Paths. Its not a perfect one but at least it worked :D