
Profile app

Development frontend server

Run npm run front to run the frontend app locally

Development api server

Run npm run api to run the api app locally

Development monolity server

Run npm run mono to run the api and frontend apps locally

Testing frontend app

Run npm run test to run the frontend app test

Default admin user

user: admin

password: admin

Challenge Scope

Dashboard to service three unique type of profiles.

  • Admin
  • DevOps
  • CustomerSupport

Each role of profile has domain specific functionality, which may be shared with other roles.

Design and code a solution, with front-end and simple back end that does the following:

  1. Registers a user with login credentials and a profile
  2. Allows elevation of privilege of a user to a different profile
  3. Allows for updating/deleting of a profile

Please provide the code in any language and development packages (Backbone, React, Angular) and must be runnable locally.--