Updating server wipes everything
Closed this issue · 9 comments
Hello I have tried updating my server to the latest version using launch mode 2 and 3 and on both occasions everything has been wiped and it is like it is a new server. Is there any way to prevent this and update without losing everything?
Could you send me the command that you used or the docker-compose?
Here is what I'm using:
version: '2'
image: vinanrra/satisfactory-server
container_name: sfserver
- START_MODE=1 #Change between START MODES
- PUID=1003 # Remember to use same as your user
- PGID=1003 # Remember to use same as your user
- TimeZone=Europe/London
- BACKUP=YES # Backup server at 5 AM
- MONITOR=YES # Keeps server up if crash
- ./ServerFiles:/home/sfserver/serverfiles/ #Optional, serverfiles
- ./log:/home/sfserver/log/ #Optional, logs
- ./backups:/home/sfserver/lgsm/backup/ #Optional, backups
- ./LGSM-Config:/home/sfserver/lgsm/config-lgsm/sfserver # Optional, LGSM-Config
- 15777:15777/udp
- 15000:15000/udp
- 7777:7777/udp
restart: unless-stopped #NEVER USE WITH START_MODE=4 or START_MODE=0
It seems I'm missing ./SavesGames:/home/sfserver/.config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames
Moving my save from the daily 5am backup into that new path and updating it to the latest version fixed it! Thanks for your help!
@vinanrra This just happened to me. The proposed solution from @TheGreatestJannet resolves the issue. This should be included in the main release ASAP.
Specifically that you should mount the SaveGames directory to your local volume, otherwise it's not included if you remove the container.
@vinanrra This just happened to me. The proposed solution from @TheGreatestJannet resolves the issue. This should be included in the main release ASAP.
Was added some time ago check this https://github.com/vinanrra/Docker-Satisfactory/blame/e0812d0bb2edc3b802888c55ad7be64dc5c7fe77/Dockerfile#L114
Ah you are right, I had to go back to verify where I pulled the original config from. Dockerhub readme is not updated yet with the new Savegame volume https://hub.docker.com/r/vinanrra/satisfactory-server
Ah you are right, I had to go back to verify where I pulled the original config from. Dockerhub readme is not updated yet with the new Savegame volume https://hub.docker.com/r/vinanrra/satisfactory-server
I don't know why the Docker Hub isn't updating the doc, so I will update myself ASAP