
A part of the VinDr Lab project. It allows users to manage Projects, Labels, Task, Export label, Upload DICOM files and many more features.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

VinDr Lab / Dashboard

Vindr Lab Dashboard is a part of the VinLab project. It allows users to manage Projects, Labels, Task, Export label, Upload DICOM files and many more features.


The Vindr Lab project consists of two parts. So let's clone and run both projects together.

  • Vindr Lab Dashboard: To manage Projects, Study list, Label, setting, Export label,...
  • Vindr Lab Viewer: For viewing medical images, labeling (bounding box, polygon, segment).


  • Yarn 1.17.3+
  • Node 10+
  • Yarn Workspaces should be enabled on your machine:
    • yarn config set workspaces-experimental true

Getting Started

  1. [Fork this repository][how-to-fork]
  2. [Clone your forked repository][how-to-clone]
    • git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/vindr-lab-dashboard.git
  3. Navigate to the cloned project's directory
  4. Add this repo as a remote named upstream
    • git remote add upstream https://github.com/vinbigdata-medical/vindr-lab-dashboard.git
  5. yarn install to restore dependencies and link projects


These commands are available from the root directory.

Yarn Commands Description
start Default development experience for Dashboard
build or build:prod Builds production environment
build:stg Builds staging environment
build:dev Builds Builds develop environment

Projects Architecture

├── public                  #
├── src                     #
│   ├── assets              # images and icons
│   ├── components          # Reusable React components
│   ├── utils               # locale, helpers, constants and service files
│   └── view                #
├── ...                     # misc. shared configuration
├── package.json            # Shared devDependencies and commands
└── README.md               # This file


Note: If you use or find this repository helpful, please take the time to star this repository on Github. This is an easy way for us to assess adoption and it can help us obtain future funding for the project.

This work is supported primarily by Vingroup Big Data Institute


MIT License