
Not clearing on setImageURI(null)

andre-vm opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi! Thank you for such a nice library!
I just replaced an ImageView with a RoundedImageView (2.3.0), and I have this call inside my fragment:


When pictureFile is null, the previous image remains visible, unexpectedly. In order to solve the problem, I changed the code to this:

val drawable = Drawable.createFromPath(pictureFile?.absolutePath)

if "pictureFile" is null,"pictureFile?.absolutePath" will not run in Kotlin.
so, the code not executed.

@XingSpace The second snippet works fine. The problem here is about the behavior of imageViewPicture.setImageURI(pictureFile?.toUri()). When pictureFile is null, that call is equivalent to imageViewPicture.setImageURI(null), which should clear the image view, but it doesn't.