
Dolphin is not transparent

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I've installed this theme with the install script, set the global theme and enabled the Lyan theme also in Kvantum. "Transparent Dolphin View" is checked, but Dolphin is not transparent (blurred) as in your screenshot... am I missing something? (menus are instead correctly blurred)
(I've attached a screenshot)
Thanks in advance


I think I can answer myself: such an effect does not work with fractional scaling (I had 150%).
I reset to 100% and set the fonts "Force font DPI" to 144 (which basically leads to the same result of 150% fractional scaling) and now everything is blurred correctly (and beautifully) also in other windows:


I'm closing this. Sorry for the noise, but maybe this might be helpful to some one else experiencing the same problem.

Very beautiful theme by the way :)