
Change hotkey?

JulyIghor opened this issue ยท 5 comments

How can I disable global hotkeys for the app?
It conflicts with Sublime Text hotkey CMD+Shift+G

๐Ÿ™ Please we need this shortcut in Finder it is for Go to folder and in any text based app on Mac it is for Find previous !!!

The keyboard shortcut CMD+Shift+G is very unfortunate. We use this combination in Adobe Illustrator hundreds of times a day. If you could turn off the keyboard shortcut when needed, that would help a lot.

qyzdo commented

Bump -> I have the same problem with Finder "Go to folder" shortcut.

See #47.


  • Just head to the app in the application folder

  • Right click -> show package contents

  • Then go to Contents -> Resources -> app

  • Open "index.js" with textedit app

  • Search for this line:

    globalShortcut.register("ControlorComand+shift+g", () => {

  • Change the line with everything you want, here is mine for example

    globalShortcut.register("Space+Option", () => {

No more conflicts ;)