
remove Medium from font weights

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As it's not part of the CSS font weight properties:

Same goes for extra-light, extra-bold, thin, light, semi-bold, black.

And bolder and lighter are impossible as well, as those are relative indicators only supposed to be used in the CSS attributes, not in @fontface properties.

The only authorized values for font weight is:

  • bold

OR: using numbers.

What I could do from here, would be to convert extra-light to 200 et cætera, according to the given list:

  • 100 - Thin
  • 200 - Extra Light (Ultra Light)
  • 300 - Light
  • 400 - Normal // normal should not be used as it is common in style, weight and stretch.
  • 500 - Medium
  • 600 - Semi Bold (Demi Bold)
  • 700 - Bold
  • 800 - Extra Bold (Ultra Bold)
  • 900 - Black (Heavy)