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Finally, please release a new version of the marginaleffects package to CRAN that refers back to the JSS manuscript (maybe 1.0.0 to signal that this accompanies a journal publication?). To do so, please include the attached CITATION file as marginaleffects/inst/CITATION (without .txt or any other suffix). Also include the corresponding reference in the DESCRIPTION/Description as doi:10.18637/jss.v111.i09 and in the \references{} sections of the relevant .Rd pages.
Please let me know whether you will be able to make all of these updates within the next 7 days. If not, this is no problem but it might further delay the publication of your manuscript. Due to this the DOI currently assigned to your manuscript has not been registered yet. Hence, when uploading your package to CRAN, please add the following comment: "The DOI in the CITATION is for a new JSS publication that will be registered after publication on CRAN."
bibentry(bibtype = "Article",
title = "How to Interpret Statistical Models Using {marginaleffects} for {R} and {Python}",
author = c(person(given = "Vincent",
family = "Arel-Bundock",
email = "vincent.arel-bundock@umontreal.ca"),
person(given = "Noah",
family = "Greifer",
email = "ngreifer@iq.harvard.edu"),
person(given = "Andrew",
family = "Heiss",
email = "aheiss@gsu.edu")),
journal = "Journal of Statistical Software",
year = "2024",
volume = "111",
number = "9",
pages = "1--32",
doi = "10.18637/jss.v111.i09",
header = "To cite marginaleffects in publications use:"