Unable to view large POI files
sordoneF opened this issue · 6 comments
When I load a GPX file with 12.000 EV charger waypoints, Avenue can cope with that.
But with larger files of 20.000 points, Avenue becomes unresponsive.
Can you make a fix for this ? You can find the gpx files at:
GB works but try Germany(OCM_DE.gpx) or even All of Europe. You will get a SPwOD.
Other requests:
Can you also show the description field in a text box so the details of the waypoint are shown when you select the waypoint ?
And zoom to the data ? Now Avenue always starts at the equator and you have to zoom out and scroll up.
I think it would be fixable by reducing the amount of waypoint annotations shown when zoomed out.
The reason Avenue starts at (0,0) when opening waypoints-only GPX files is because it is now only implemented with just the zooming of track points. Its more of a which to focus when a GPX file has both, kind of an issue, so I kinda avoided it altogether.
Also, thanks for the link. Always wanted to test a super large GPX file but couldn't get hold of one.
Hi @sordoneF,
Would you be ok with a solution concept of the above? (Ignore the ugliness right now, its just a prototype).
When zooming in, more pins will be exposed.
Hi Vincent. I did not get any updates by e-mail about your remarks so sorry for the delay. I am not a daily github user.
Your prototype solution is already better since it can load the bigger files. Are you able to display the waypoint description data also ?
Hi @sordoneF,
No worries.
At the present moment, waypoint description doesn't show, but I will be sure to make it work before actual release.
Super, that would be nice. It will allow me to update the wrong OCM data (like the waypoints shown outside of the EU) more easliy. The OpenChargeMap import procedure has some hickups which results in those wrong points.