
Add link to metadata

jdleung opened this issue · 3 comments

I don't know if my way is correct:

        let href = GPXLink()
        href.href = ""
        href.text = "Download link"
        let metadata = GPXMetadata() = href
        root.metadata = metadata

The above will create an empty link in gpx file, the current codes in class GPXLink:

gpx.appendFormat("%@<%@%@>\r\n", indent(forIndentationLevel: indentationLevel), self.tagName())

It shows correct by changing it to the following:
gpx.appendFormat("%@<%@%@>\r\n", indent(forIndentationLevel: indentationLevel), self.tagName(), attribute)

BTW, I cannot pod install to a specified version, such as pod 'CoreGPX', '0.4.2', I have to pod update every time.

I'll investigate this and update this to you later.

You are right. I added the gpx.appendFormat("%@<%@%@>\r\n", indent(forIndentationLevel: indentationLevel), self.tagName(), attribute) in the latest build.

Will be available in v0.4.4

Thanks for finding this bug out!

v0.4.4 has been pushed to CocoaPods.