

Primary LanguageNunjucks


This is my personal website, there are many like it but this one is mine.

It is built using 11ty and Tailwind CSS.

Feel free to open an issue or write me if you see something that looks odd or anything else you think is uh not great!


Show all available commands:

make help

Run the dev server:

make dev
# or
npm run start

Commit messages

Note: the git history prior to 6d2454f is a mess so feel free to ignore that! I'm striving to keep the history clean using conventional commits going forward, but since I am the only one contributing to this I am not always motivated to so.

fix: patches a bug

feat: introduces a new feature

docs: changes to the README and other meta docs

chore: fixing small errors in articles, typos, archiving drafts, and similar (uninteresting) chores

refactor: renames something or moves a file

not part of conventional commits and specific to this site:

weblog: new entry to the monthly weblog

article: new article

edit: any edits to existing artices, weblogs, lists or other text


In order of importance?! plans change a lot here so don't count on me doing this actually.


  • redesign landing page
  • change lists/pages format to json, build dedicated list template
    • wikipedia
    • movies
    • books
    • quotes
    • add random movie/book button!
  • weblog
    • automate format imdb links and add to movie json (also for reviews)
    • automate format goodreads links and add to books json (also for reviews)
    • automate format wiki links and add to wiki json
    • move future weblogs to a json
    • move past weblogs to a json
  • markdown text anchor links
  • markdown text anchor links, check how to do it here
  • add cool 90s cursor effects
    • add tons of other effects ideally without impacting performance
  • order everything in /links in Audio and below
    • move /links to a json as well
    • restructure /links to be less insane
  • add published date
    • add edited date
  • 404 page
    • other errors?

TODO nice to have

  • change goodreads to something else, maybe worldcat
  • move to my own static site builder again? or dynamic?
  • markdown footnotes
  • Check text with vale rules
  • add better/more vale rules
  • Check if links are alive: https://github.com/tcort/markdown-link-check, next check in March 2024.
    • automate as cron job: github action is in in maintenance mode and I could not figure out how to deal with all the exceptions without a lot of hassle, the followup project still needs a github action, check again sometime (or contribute it you lazy bum!)