
Python Memory Error

Closed this issue · 5 comments

i am getting python memory error thrown every time i try to run the code
it loads model successfully and starts reading data,then just throws MemoryError.

here is my traceback

could this be beacuse my pc is too weak ?

Hi Zemaan,
Yes, you probably need more RAM to run the demo.

and how much would that be approx. ? is there a way to calculate this ?

I've run the demo web app via "python -m" and it used up to 1.5Gb on my laptop.

is there any way to reduce RAM comsupmtion by script ? or undoubtedly confirm that is the RAMs fault ? i'd hate buy more ram only find out its been something else. currently i have only 2GB of ram

Looks like you figured out how to run the demo. I'll close this issue. Feel free to reopen it. Thanks.