
This is cms web application built using laravel framework (5.8) that use laratrust package for acl management, using jquery for javascript (at least until 17-4-2019) and applying softdelete cascade using Askedio package (for future development).

Primary LanguagePHP

I use laravel 5.8 and laratrust 5.2 (Maybe you need more configuration for future version)

To use the project, do the following step

  1. Clone the repositories by using this command : git clone https://github.com/wahyaumau/advanced-cms.git
  2. Enter the project : cd advanced-cms
  3. Install composer dependency. This will create vendor folder : composer install
  4. Install npm dependency : npm install
  5. Apply npm dependency : npm run dev
  6. Create copy of envexample file : copy .env.example .env
  7. Generate app encription key : php artisan key:generate
  8. Create and setup your database
  9. Configure database that you will use in .env file, fill in the DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD options to match the credentials of the database you just created.
  10. migrate the database : php artisan migrate
  11. Seed the database : php artisan db:seed
  12. You can use this project, note that in the database there will be some data, go check it and the password for every user is "password"

I made example of how to protect route and controller using middleware in routes/web.php and in UserController, RoleController just an example of use middleware to protect some action, i also made example of how to protect some view component in resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php, read more to the full documentation of laratrust : https://laratrust.santigarcor.me/docs/5.2/