
NODE_ENV not set

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, thanks a lot for this project. I'll be using it as a learning resource on how to integrate hapi with Vue.

I'm having an issue running npm run dev, most likely Windows-related. When I run the command, I get a 'NODE_ENV' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file..


Any idea on how to go around this?

Hey @sergiocastrovale!
My windows experience is very limited, but I think you can remove the NODE_ENV=development from the dev script, that is to say line 6 on your image would look like: "dev": "node start", and then before running npm run dev, you should set the NODE_ENV environment variable.

From this article it looks like it would be something like running setx NODE_ENV "development" on your cmd. But I'm unable to try this.

Let me know if that helped.