
:fast_forward: github_quick_push :fire: is a small script to quickly create and push a new repository to Github

Primary LanguageShell

How to use it?

  1. Create an access token on Github and set it to a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable
  2. Set your USERNAME on the script
  3. [Optional] alias the script to whatever command you'd easily remember, mine is quickrepo :-)
  4. [Optional] choose if the repositories should be private or public. Default is public.

How it works?

- Is the current directory a git repository?

  - yes

    - Show the detailed status of the repository
    - Is it okay to push everything in it?
    - What should be the name of the repository? Default is the current directory name.
    - Push to Github
    - Was the request OK?

      - yes

        - Open the created directory on the browser

      - no

        - Print the HTTP status code.

  - no

    - Create a new repository
    - Show the detailed status of the repository
    - Is it okay to push everything in it?
    - What should be the name of the repository? Default is the current directory name.
    - Push to Github
    - Was the request OK?

      - yes

        - Open the created directory on the browser

      - no

        - Print the HTTP status code.