
"Do not create resource file" option in Aseprite Wizard window is not applied

mpewsey opened this issue · 0 comments


When the "Do not create resource file" option in the Aseprite Wizard window (shown below) is checked, a SpriteFrames resource is still created. However, the tooltip indicates that a SpriteFrames resource will not be created when it is checked.

Aseprite Wizard Window


In, the checkbox boolean is added to the options dictionary, but does not appear to ever be used. To fix this, the following change can be made to skip resource creation when the option is checked.

Old Code (Line 133):

var exit_code = _sf_creator.create_and_save_resources(aseprite_output.content)

New Code:

var exit_code = OK

if !options.get("do_not_create_resource", false):
    exit_code = _sf_creator.create_and_save_resources(aseprite_output.content)

Godot Version:

v4.2.1.stable.mono.official [b09f793f5]