
Resource file not found

nmhild opened this issue · 3 comments

Was using this plugin in a new project and the player character animations imported without issue. After that, trying to import any other Aseprite file from any other file location gives me a "Resource file not found: /ase_NameOfFile.png (expected type: Image) error. This results in the animations and frames being imported, but the texture doesn't generate for them. No edits were made to any of the scripts present in the addon. Disabling and reenabling the addon did not fix the problem, nor did deleting it and reinstalling.

This is in the Mono version of Godot v4.2 stable.
Godot_v4 2-stable_mono_win64_LA1imaBSxM
Godot_v4 2-stable_mono_win64_SGbA9ntEE7
Godot_v4 2-stable_mono_win64_Mes3DUQITB

Interesting. That path is as if it's trying to read the file from the root. I haven´t seen this happening before. Which operation system are you using?
I will try to reproduce it. Also, if you are comfortable sharing your new project or any reproducible project (with .godot / .import folders) it might make it easier to identify the issue.

I'm using Windows 10 as my operating system. For whatever it's worth, the next day I tried again and each of the files that failed before, worked. As stated, I tried restarting Godot to fix the issue (a few times), so the only real difference is that I restarted my system.

If there's a way I can share my project with you privately, I'd be happy to (I love your plugin and would be happy to help), I just would rather not share it publicly.

Thank you. No problem. I guess if it's working now it will make it harder to debug. I think we can close the issue but feel free to re-open it in case it happens again. Good luck with your project. Cheers.