
about Aseprite 1.3-rc4 new features: repeat in tag

chunhaqiushif opened this issue · 4 comments


Sorry to bother you.

Recently, there has been a new beta version of Aseprite (it doesn't seem to be available on the official website yet, but I purchased Aseprite on Steam, and there is an option for this beta version). This new version includes a feature for animating repetitions, allowing a specific number of repetitions for animations within a tag.
I would like to know if there are any subsequent plugin update for this new feature.
If not currently available, how can I temporarily modify the plugin so that I can obtain the value of 'Repeat'

About this in Aseprite API:


local n = tag.repeats
tag.repeats = n
Gets or sets the number of times the tag is repeated/looped.

0 = Doesn't specify, plays infinite in UI, once on export, for ping-pong it plays once in each direction
1 = Plays once, for ping-pong it plays just in one direction
2 = Plays twice, for ping-pong it plays once in each direction, and once in reverse
n = Plays N times

I looked into this recently and Aseprite doesn't seem to export this property (yet).
Now that I've checked again, it seems to be there.

Thanks for bringing this feature to my attention. I'm not working on this currently as I usually focus on features from the stable version, but that's definitely something I want to support in this plugin and RC is good enough for an implementation.

I haven´t looked into details on how this is exported so I can't really suggest a workaround for now. For cases like repeat infinite and don´t repeat you can use the loop tag pattern. Not exactly the same feature, but maybe it covers some of the cases.

I'll take a look at this and if it's like what I think it is I might have a new version with it this week.


Implemented this in the latest version. Godot asset lib approval pending. In the meantime you can download the latest version from the version branch or releases page. Cheers.

Thank you very much!