
dicttoxml - @attrs not escaping key:value pairs at all

ssnyder opened this issue · 1 comments

given the following JSON:

"TagGroup": {
     "@attrs": {
          "Name": "systemSpec",
          "HelpText": "spec version <here>"

I load a dictionary as follows:

    "@attrs":{"Name": "systemSpec",
    "HelpText": "spec version <here>"}

I then call:
output_xml = json2xml.dicttoxml.dicttoxml(info_dict, attr_type=False, item_wrap=False, root=False)

Expected Results:
<Info Name="systemSpec" HelpText="spec version &lt;here&gt;" />

Actual results:
<Info Name="systemSpec" HelpText="spec version <here>" />

If there was some way for us to enable/disable the contents of the @attrs to be escaped, that would be great. Even if it is document-wide, it would be a big help to me. My workaround for now, is to do the escaping when building the dictionary, but it should be handled within the dicttoxml call, not in my code.

@ssnyder Let me look into this and get back to you on this.