
Request for an event

farhanashrafdev opened this issue · 5 comments

Please provide the following information

  • Is this event for college students or professionals?
    95% University Students, but will be open to all
  • How many folks do you expect will attend this event?
  • When do you want this event?
    October 1st ,7-11 pm ist
  • Language of the event?
    Hindi/English both will work fine for me
  • fill this google form.

can you please check your contact number , there are more than 10 digits .

@vanshika-srivastava With country code we have 11 digits, just change the first 0 with 92, and thats my contact number. It was not letting me wrtie more then 10 do

Alright sure

@vanshika-srivastava let me know how to move forward in the process

Will contact you soon.