
Seepage Detection in the container/tank for saving water

animeshsrivastava24 opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Feature Description:
The project has the goal of saving water with level monitoring. A great addition to the system will be the detection of seepage of water.

Since we're monitoring the water level and focusing on producing a feasible product, an addition related to the detection of water seeping through container walls via orifice or due to other factors will be a great feature. Aim must be to come up with idea that minimises overall cost and produce a viable product.

Since we are using the ultrasonic sensor in our project to detect the rising level of water.
We can use it in the reverse manner too, for measuring any fall down in the level of water which may be the result of seepage or water evaporation.
Now the water evaporation cases will produce a little to nil effect since our project will keep on monitoring the level in real time with a finite loop time.
So it'll be beneficial to add a feature with no additional budget cost.
The things to decide will be to add a threshold value and time for fall, as will be done for water rise.

Additional context:
Issue opened in discussion with @ramanaditya .

@ramanaditya I'll request you to please assign me this issue.

Thanks for opening your first issue!
Kindly note that this repository is maintained by Vinit Shahdeo.
He'll get back to you soon.

@animeshsrivastava24 That's a great idea, would love to learn more from you.

@vinitshahdeo @ramanaditya
I worked through the ideation of the issue, the following suggestions which I've for the issue is:
The surface disturbance is considered to be negligible.

Maybe create an array and keep a running/rolling sample every minute. So the array would contain the last 60 readings over the last hour. Then every so often, maybe 5 minutes, take an average of those readings to get an average tank level of the last hour at 5-minute intervals.

I would think this would "smooth out" the data and give me useful information. I have attached a reference chart. You can see the normal evaporation occurring. Then there is a dip. That was a leak that almost emptied the sump tank.

The above-mentioned process will be a complex one.
Initially, I propose to come up with a simple code that is similar/related to the falling of water level and then modify it thoroughly with time.
I am also doing a research analysis on the project (shared details with @PragatiVerma18 ) and will come up with the threshold value/time requirements.

tank monthly chart

Much appreciated. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘
Really looking forward to seeing the code live.

Hello @vinitshahdeo
I'll like to send two separate PRs for the work

  1. Creation of Array for reading the values and presenting there average
  2. Using the Readings to plot the graph to detect a change present