API endpoints for the Hardware devices
ramanaditya opened this issue · 4 comments
ramanaditya commented
Creating API endpoints for Hardware model
The hardware devices will need to communicate with the server, so for that we require API endpoints to get the specific results in the JSON format.
There will be hardware devices associated with their Hardware id, check the models.py file inside hardware app for better understanding
Requirements of the Product
- Getting a list of Hardware device
- Getting the information of single Hardware Device
- Creating an Hardware using POST method and linking it with user model
- Updating the information of hardware device using their id.
- Fetching the list of hardware devices registered with users using user id. (Beware of cyclic imports)
To make the code standard please use the following parameters
- serializers.py for dumping data in JSON
- views.py for creating all kinds of endpoints
- Use class viewsets.ModelViewSet
- All the API endpoints related to the Hardware model should be present inside same class
Where to write the file
- Branch : https://github.com/vinitshahdeo/Water-Monitoring-System/tree/feature/backend-django
- Where to find user folder : Water-Monitoring-System/water_monitoring_system/water_monitoring_system/hardware/
- Files and class names are already created for your convenience, you need to override the methods.
- All the changes to brought inside api folder
- Well commented code(required).
- Don't delete the applied migrations
- Don't push your database file
- Don't push your local settings file
- Write the test cases properly
- Use Postman for checking the API endpoints (not required but suggested)
Aju100 commented
can you assigned for me this issue ?
payal-98 commented
can u assigned me this issue?
ramanaditya commented
EZENGESH commented
I did not comprehend well the requirement