
encode number 1 but got different values in laravel and hyperf project

jimmyyem opened this issue · 2 comments

The package versions:

hashids/hashids version 4.1.0

Laravel version 9.19

Hyperf version 2.2.33

PHP version 8.0.23 

$number = 1;

I encode $number in laravel project got : 4ZMEKQEV
But in hyperf project I got: JWLY3P24

the code for laravel and hyperf:


namespace App\Lib;

use Hashids\Hashids;

class HashId
    public static $instance;

    public static function getInstance(
        int $length = 8,
        string $alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890'
    ): Hashids {
        if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
            $salt = config('HASHIDS_KEY');

            self::$instance = new Hashids($salt, $length, $alphabet);

        return self::$instance;

// use the App/Lib/Hashid to encode number
$number = HashId::getInstance()->encode(1);
echo $number;

Key reason for the problem possible is the salt.

Key reason for the problem possible is the salt.

I checked that again, you're right. Thanks man.