
Using a templated function as a method proxy.

rpatters1 opened this issue · 2 comments

Here is skeleton code for a method proxy:

template<class C, const char* NAME>
static const char* className(const C*)
   return NAME;
class foo {};
static const char* fooName(const foo*)
   return "foo";

void myfunc(lua_State* L)
            .addFunction("ClassName", &className<foo, "foo">)  // <<--- Fails with "no matching member function call to 'addFunction'"
            .addFunction("ClassName", &fooName) // <<--- works

I am having trouble understanding why the fully-qualified template function gets a compiler error.

Your templated function has a non type template argument which makes it an overloaded function and can't be resolved.

Okay, thanks for the tip. Am closing this issue.