

  1. Make sure you have docker installed on your computer
  2. Pull the repository
  3. Run docker-compose up from project directory
  4. If all goes well, running docker ps should show all 3 containers up and running.
  5. In your browser access, if you see This is hello world, then you're all set.


  • api/ -- contains flask and celery app code.
    • app.py -- flask and celery app setup.
    • tasks.py -- simple celery tasks to demontrate some mathematical operations such as addition and subtraction.
    • batch_tasks.py -- advance celery tasks that demonstrates batch calculation tasks.
    • views.py -- contains flask routes that can be accessed via the api.
    • celeryconfig.py -- self explanatory.
    • calculator.py -- calculator class with some basic operations to be used by batch celery tasks.


HTTP Methods URL Args Celery Refs
1 GET / Check app status
2 POST /basic-task x:int, y:int Signature
3 POST /callback-task x:int, y:int, z:int Callback
4 POST /chain-task a:int, x:int, y:int, z:int Chain
5 POST /simple-chord-task range:int Chord
6 POST /chord-task range:int Chord
7 POST /batch-start A route that performs a calculator operation in batches


  1. Use postman to test the API endpoints which will trigger the celery tasks.
  2. Following screenshot shows an example postman session,

Screenshot 2021-12-08 at 21 58 21


Experimenting with a new celery task can be done in 3 steps.

Add a celery task

def new_celery_task(a, b):
    return a + b

Add a route

def new_route():
    x = 1
    y = 2
    result = new_celery_task.s(x, y).apply_async()
    return str(result.get())

Test task

  1. Restart all three docker containers to make sure the new tasks and routes are registered.
  2. Call the new route using postman.


  1. Add an example of redis caching
  2. Add an example of passing arguments that are not generic python data types
  3. Add examples of other primitives (group, start, map, etc..)
  4. Add unit and integration tests