precision4 and 3 are the same?
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tonkolviktor commented
If I run:
from geopy.distance import geodesic
base_coord_x, base_coord_y = 9.42839, 47.66578
for precision in range(12, 0, -1):
prev_dist = 0
done = False
for factor in [0.0000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1]:
if done:
for i in range(1000):
if done:
current_y = base_coord_y +(i * factor)
current_x = base_coord_x +(i * factor)
dist = int(geodesic((base_coord_x, base_coord_y) , (current_x, current_y)).m)
dist2 = int(geodesic((base_coord_x, base_coord_y) , (current_x, current_y)).m)
a = geohash_encode(base_coord_x, base_coord_y, precision=precision)
b = geohash_encode(base_coord_x, current_y, precision=precision)
if a != b:
print(f'geohash precision={precision:02}: {prev_dist}-{dist}m')
done = True
prev_dist = dist
I get:
geohash precision=12: 0-0m
geohash precision=11: 0-0m
geohash precision=10: 0-0m
geohash precision=09: 5-5m
geohash precision=08: 18-20m
geohash precision=07: 179-180m
geohash precision=06: 606-607m
geohash precision=05: 2306-2322m
geohash precision=04: 22754-22910m
geohash precision=03: 22754-22910m
geohash precision=02: 1326809-1328341m
geohash precision=01: 6056042-6068097m
What is the reason that 3 and 4 are the same?