
Unofficial API and web scraping from alodokter.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Unofficial API and Web Scraping from alodokter.com


1. Node.js has installed on your machine

2. NPM has installed on your machine


Use the package manager npm to install dependencies.

npm install


npm start

server will running on port 3000


1. GET localhost:3000/trending/page/:count

Get list of trending articles

GET localhost:3000/trending/page/1

2. GET localhost:3000/content/:app_url

Get article content

GET localhost:3000/content/6-manfaat-olahraga-trx-bagi-tubuh

3. GET localhost:3000/penyakit

Get list of penyakit information from A-Z

GET localhost:3000/penyakit

4. GET localhost:3000/obat

Get list of obat information from A-Z

GET localhost:3000/obat

5. GET localhost:3000/hidup-sehat/page/:count

Get list of articles from Hidup Sehat tag

GET localhost:3000/hidup-sehat/page/1

6. GET localhost:3000/keluarga/page/:count

Get list of articles from Keluarga tag

GET localhost:3000/keluarga/page/1

7. GET localhost:3000/kesehatan/page/:count

Get list of articles from Kesehatan tag

GET localhost:3000/kesehatan/page/1

8. GET localhost:3000/search

Get data from searching

GET localhost:3000/search?key=kanker




Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Any responsibility beyond the responsibility of the developer.