
Add support for the latest version of React Native for Windows

qmatteoq opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello @vinzscam ,
I'm starting this issue to track which is the best approach to bring support for the latest version of React Native for Windows.
Last time we chatted on this topic, you suggested to add the vNext implementation into a separate folder, to avoid breaking changes for people who might still be using the legacy C# core.
However, now that React Native for Windows supports autolinking, this option isn't feasible, because having the implementation in a folder different than "windows" would break the autolinking.

How can we move forward? I already have a working version in my fork but, before submitting a PR, I wanted to understand which is the right way to do it.


This looks great!

Yes, I agree with you. It makes sense to have the new implementation under the windows directory to take advantages of the autolinking capabilities.
Does anything need to be upgraded in your branch? I guess things might have changed since you opened the issue (apologies for the VERY late answer!)

Hi, thank you @vinzscam for the most awesome package! :)

I just tried them both. @qmatteoq fork works perfectly. Some minor dependency changes made it work with the latest RNW 0.66.2. See here

Hi RamiJabr can you make it work or give us some lights on how to do it on react native windows 0.68?

@RamiJabr can you please specify which version of react-native and react-native-windows is compatible with react-native-file-viewer?