
VerificationWorker should add option --ignoreFile before calling method prepare of SilFrontend

aterga opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently, the trailing option in the list of arguments must be an existing Viper file; otherwise, SilFrontend will complain while checking the command-line options. However, SilFrontend should not care about the existence of a file in the scenario of ViperServer as we already read the file, parsed it, and constructed a Viper AST based on it. Hence, we should tell it to ignore the checks that it normally performs over files. Fortunately, there's already an option for that, called --ignoreFile.

We should add this option in the execute method of ViperBackend. It should be the second-last element in the list, where the last element is programID. This can be done using pattern matching over the structure of the list.

See for more details.

The fix has been confirmed by the Gobra IDE team.