
Android приложение для подкаста Radio-t.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Radiot app with comments

Android app for Radio-T podcast with comments support. A project in development at the moment. Author create the project for learn new technologies.

App has following feature:

  • Podcast and themes lists
  • Comments list with reply
  • Votes
  • Post new comment
  • Edit exist comment
  • Auth (github, twitter)

Доступно в Google Play


  • Language: Kotlin 1.6.0
  • Serialization: KotlinX serialization
  • UI: Jetpack compose
  • UI pattern: MVVM
  • Threading: coroutine
  • Linter: detekt
  • Testing: Junit and mockk
  • CI: Github actions (run test, static code analysis, release app to google play)

Project guideline

Don't use standard structures/classes for domain entities. For instance, don't use String for comment id, use value class CommentId with one field raw.

Project structure


Main product of this repo. App for radiot podcast. Don't use this app for work with remark api.


App for develop and testing remark sdk.



Wrapper for remark api remark42 Provide useful interface with caching data from BE, and possibility for observable actual data. Handle data change after new comment and vote. Also provide middleware for work with BE apply query site for each request. Doesn't execute calls which required auth without user data.

Init remark api

val remarkSettings = RemarkSettings("remark", "https://demo.remark42.com/")
val api: RemarkApi by lazy { RemarkApi(context, remarkSettings.siteId, remarkSettings.baseUrl) }


  • val commentDataControllerProvider: CommentDataControllerProvider
  • fun saveByCookies(cookies: String): Boolean
  • fun addLoginStateListener(onLoginChange: (RemarkCredentials) -> Unit)
  • suspend fun getConfig(): Config


  • fun getDataController(postUrl: String): CommentDataController


  • suspend fun observeComments(commentRoot: CommentRoot): Flow<FullCommentInfo>
  • suspend fun vote(commentId: String, vote: VoteType): RemarkError?
  • suspend fun postComment(commentRoot: CommentRoot, text: String): RemarkError?
Remark sdk

Software development kit for integrate comment widget into your app.

Init remark sdk

RemarkComponent.init(applicationContext, RemarkSettings("remark", "https://demo.remark42.com/"))

Add comment widget:

Just call RemarkView compose fun into your compose fun.

RemarkView(postUrl = "https://remark42.com/demo/")