Hey Dev , i have cloned this repo but you used Lib every where . Whats the key ? and How i make Succesful Build
ashgautamDev opened this issue · 0 comments
ashgautamDev commented
implementation Libs.AndroidX.coreKtx
implementation Libs.AndroidX.appcompat
implementation Libs.AndroidX.material
implementation Libs.AndroidX.tooling
implementation Libs.AndroidX.Compose.runtime
implementation Libs.AndroidX.Compose.compiler
implementation Libs.AndroidX.Compose.foundation
implementation Libs.AndroidX.Compose.layout
implementation Libs.AndroidX.Compose.ui
implementation Libs.AndroidX.Compose.material`
This is i got
Gradle sync failed: Could not get unknown property 'Libs' for object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler. (1 m 31 s 761 ms)
and this too
Cannot resolve symbol 'com'