
Feature Request - Dot conveys overall task status for a Day

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Great plugin .. thanks for the hard work on this.

I've used Obsidian previously and one very nice feature was that the Calendar dots would indicate the following

Obsidian Calendar

  • presence of a dot meant the journal page existed (your red dot does that now)
  • a second dot for TODO status
    • open tasks (TODO) items exist on this journal - the second dot is hollow
    • no open tasks on this journal - the second dot is filled.

Another approach for Logseq that would not require two dots might be to have 3 different colors for a single dot

  • white(or black for light mode) - page exists and has NO TODOs or DONE items for the day (July 4 and 22)
  • red - page exists and has open TODO items in it (July 17, 18, 23, 26, 28, 29 and 30)
  • green - page exists and has only DONE items (July 6, 12, 14 and 19)

Calendar with TODO status colors

Good idea, I will think about it and do some tests first. The final release may not be that fast.

The feature has been implemented, please take a look.
