
Data Structures Lab_Experiments_Sorting Alogrithms_Simulation

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Defect description :

  1. There's no code uploaded for Quick Sort and Insertion Sort in the Simulation.
  2. Time allocated to show the description of every step during execution is less.

Steps to reproduce the issue :
Virtual Labs -> Computer Science & Engineering (scroll down) -> Data Structures Lab -> List of experiments -> Sorting using Arrays -> Simulation -> Quick sort / Merge sort / Insertion sort.

Expected result :

  1. Optimal code for Quick sort and Insertion sort is to be present at the start of the simulation.
  2. Time allocated to show the description of every step during execution should be increased so that the user can understand the process in detail by reading the description.

Screen shot :

  1. First two screen shots showing where the code should be uploaded.
  2. Third screen shot is to show the place of description to increase time allocation.


