
Fails to load multiple resources of the same time.

nelg opened this issue · 4 comments

nelg commented

The following TF is not loaded correctly. It does not create the first resource in the output json.

resource "aws_db_instance" "mysqldb" {
    identifier = "${var.environment}-mysqldb"
    allocated_storage = 100
resource "aws_db_instance" "mysqldb-readonly" {
    identifier = "${var.environment}-mysqldb-readonly"
    allocated_storage = 100

JSON Output is:

    "resource": {
        "aws_db_instance": {
            "mysqldb-readonly": {
                "allocated_storage": 100,
                "identifier": "${var.environment}-mysqldb-readonly"


    "resource": {
        "aws_db_instance": {
           "mysqldb": {
                "allocated_storage": 100,
                "identifier": "${var.environment}-mysqldb"
            "mysqldb-readonly": {
                "allocated_storage": 100,
                "identifier": "${var.environment}-mysqldb-readonly"

This seems related to #11 . Feel free to fix it and submit a pull request.

nelg commented

I would but not sure how to fix it, and have limited time to do so.

On 11/08/2016 4:10 PM, "Dustin Spicuzza" wrote:

This seems related to #11 #11 .
Feel free to fix it and submit a pull request.

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I don't use terraform, and have limited time to fix this bug also.

Fixed somewhere along the line in PR #68 or before. That PR enables the unit test.