
DDoS - Could not finish initialization, retrying... retrying... retrying... retrying... retrying...

holgerpieta opened this issue · 5 comments

Unfortunately #86 still doesn't seem to be fixed. But I cannot reopen the ticket, so here is a new one.
If you want, please reopen the other ticket and close this as a duplicate.

Retrying happens a lot slower now, so less danger of getting banned, but it still doesn't work.

Relevant part from the logs:
[2020-06-07T13:41:11.155] [INFO] LandroidS - Initializing Landroid Cloud Service...
[2020-06-07T13:41:11.231] [INFO] Mqtt - Successfully connected to MQTT Broker! Mqtt url: undefined
[2020-06-07T13:41:14.871] [INFO] IoBrokerAdapter - mower 0 selected
[2020-06-07T13:41:57.567] [INFO] Mqtt - Incoming MQTT message to topic landroid/set/poll: b37842b1.1d2468
[2020-06-07T13:41:57.569] [INFO] LandroidS - Sending to landroid cloud: {}
[2020-06-07T13:42:11.157] [INFO] LandroidS - Could not finish initialization, retrying... Mqtt url: undefined
[2020-06-07T13:42:12.852] [INFO] IoBrokerAdapter - mower 0 selected

I'll try to dig into that and find the problem, but if someone knows where to look, that would be helpful.

Erm, ok, I think I found the problem: The images on docker hub are created on 11-04-2020, but the required changes have been committed on 15-04-2020.
So I guess the maintainer just needs to recreate the images.

Oh, nice...erm, not nice. Interesting problem.

In the meantime, for everybody using a Raspi or any other arm32v7 device: thewaldschrat/landroid-bridge

@holgerpieta git was missing in the Docker build environment. Just fixed that, new images are building right now. Should be fixed shortly. Thanks for your hint!

Took a while for Docker Hub to build the image, but now I can report: arm32v7 is working correctly!

Great, thanks for your feedback!