
Updating landroid-bridge

Opened this issue · 1 comments


What is currently the best way to update this wonderful app?

I have done it just now by stopping it, making a backup of my config.json file, calling git pull origin master, re-applying my changes to config.json (username, password, Wunderground API key etc) - all in all "only" a 5 minute task, but as we all get older and lazier... a 5 minute task is a big thing! ;)

Could you please consider the possibility of self-updating - either by pressing a button in the web interface, or via an MQTT command, or an option to do so automatically.


I did it the same way today. Even though it took 15min as it couldn't find sqlite online and had to build it as well, all was fine.
I don't mind doing the update that way, it's just that i FORGET from time to time how to do it ;)
I'd like to see a notification when there is a new release, so i know that it's worth updating.