
Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot set property 'info.connection' of undefined

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Hi after, install and change of config.json I ran the app and got the following error:

[20:47:19] openhabian@openHABianPi:~/landroid-bridge$ node dist/server.js

[2019-04-15T20:48:09.454] [INFO] server.ts - Starting Landroid Bridge...
[2019-04-15T20:48:09.466] [INFO] server.ts - Setting port to 3000...
[2019-04-15T20:48:09.757] [INFO] Mqtt - Connecting to MQTT Broker...
[2019-04-15T20:48:09.766] [INFO] App - Adding static files path /home/openhabian/landroid-bridge/www
[2019-04-15T20:48:09.767] [INFO] Scheduler - Skipping scheduler initialization (not enabled)
[2019-04-15T20:48:09.780] [INFO] LandroidS - Initializing Landroid Cloud Service...
[2019-04-15T20:48:09.879] [INFO] Mqtt - Successfully connected to MQTT Broker!
[2019-04-15T20:48:10.156] [ERROR] IoBrokerAdapter - wrong email or password!
[2019-04-15T20:48:10.158] [ERROR] App - Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot set property 'info.connection' of undefined
[2019-04-15T20:49:09.782] [INFO] LandroidS - Could not finish initialization, retrying...
[2019-04-15T20:49:10.135] [ERROR] IoBrokerAdapter - wrong email or password!
[2019-04-15T20:49:10.136] [ERROR] App - Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot set property 'info.connection' of undefined
[2019-04-15T20:50:09.805] [INFO] LandroidS - Could not finish initialization, retrying...
[2019-04-15T20:50:10.070] [ERROR] IoBrokerAdapter - wrong email or password!
[2019-04-15T20:50:10.071] [ERROR] App - Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot set property 'info.connection' of undefined
[2019-04-15T20:51:09.818] [INFO] LandroidS - Could not finish initialization, retrying...
[2019-04-15T20:51:10.238] [ERROR] IoBrokerAdapter - wrong email or password!
[2019-04-15T20:51:10.239] [ERROR] App - Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot set property 'info.connection' of undefined
[2019-04-15T20:52:09.878] [INFO] LandroidS - Could not finish initialization, retrying...

I rechecked my config.json and it looks good:

"http": {
"port": 3000
"landroid-s": {
"enable": true,
"email": "MyLandroidLoginMailAdress",
"pwd": "MyPassword",
"dev_sel": 0
"mqtt": {
"enable": true,
"url": "mqtt://openhabian:openhabian@localhost",
"topic": "landroid"
"logLevel": "info",
"scheduler": {
"enable": false,
"cron": false,
"weather": {
"provider": "wunderground",
"apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
"latitude": 50.0982164,
"longitude": 8.221404
"db": "./scheduler.db",
"earliestStart": 11,
"latestStop": 21,
"startEarly": false,
"offDays": 2,
"squareMeters": 300,
"perHour": 50,
"mowTime": 75,
"chargeTime": 75,
"daysForTotalCut": 2,
"rainDelay": 120,
"threshold": 30

What next?

Sorry, I'm dumb... Typo in password.... Close