
bad config? no schedule ahead

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I kindly ask someone to check my config, as i don't see any planned mowing activity in my schedule. Even though it's not raining and i set mowing to 7 days a week nothing happens.
Any ideas very welcome!


And this is my config.json file:

    "http": {
        "port": 3000
    "landroid-s": {
        "enable": true,
        "email": "xxxxxxx",
        "pwd": "xxxxxxx",
        "dev_sel": 0
    "mqtt": {
        "enable": true,
        "url": "xxxxxxxxxx@localhost",
        "topic": "landroid"
    "logLevel": "info",
    "scheduler": {
        "enable": true,
        "cron": true,
        "weather": {
            "provider": "darksky",
            "apiKey": "219389ca143fa62xxxxxxxxx",
            "latitude": xxxxxxxx,
            "longitude": xxxxxxx
        "db": "./scheduler.db",
        "earliestStart": 14,
        "latestStop": 20,
        "startEarly": true,
        "offDays": 0,
        "squareMeters": 60,
        "perHour": 15,
        "mowTime": 75,
        "chargeTime": 75,
        "daysForTotalCut": 7,
        "rainDelay": 180,
        "threshold": 30

Same issue here, running docker container.

Logs show these error.

[2019-05-28T17:10:31.950] [INFO] ScheduledTasks - Successfully refreshed weather cache
[2019-05-28T17:15:00.007] [INFO] ScheduledTasks - Running ScheduledTasks.applySchedule...
[2019-05-28T17:15:00.117] [ERROR] App - Unhandled rejection: Error: Could not load weather forecast: TypeError: Cannot read property 'dateTime' of undefined
[2019-05-28T17:55:24.800] [ERROR] SchedulerRouter - Error: Could not load weather forecast: TypeError: Cannot read property 'dateTime' of undefined
at WeatherFactory_1.WeatherFactory.getProvider.loadHourly10day.then.catch.e (/usr/src/app/dist/Scheduler.js:60:34)
[2019-05-28T18:10:30.017] [INFO] ScheduledTasks - Refreshing weather to cache (try #1)...
[2019-05-28T18:10:30.019] [INFO] WeatherDarkSky - Loading from,4.5594391?units=si
[2019-05-28T18:10:30.722] [INFO] WeatherDarkSky - Loading from,xxx3xxxxxx01630?units=si
[2019-05-28T18:10:31.238] [INFO] WeatherDarkSky - Loading from,xxxxxx91?units=si
[2019-05-28T18:10:31.969] [INFO] ScheduledTasks - Successfully refreshed weather cache
[2019-05-28T18:15:00.007] [INFO] ScheduledTasks - Running ScheduledTasks.applySchedule...
[2019-05-28T18:15:00.079] [ERROR] App - Unhandled rejection: Error: Could not load weather forecast: TypeError: Cannot read property 'dateTime' of undefined
[2019-05-28T18:45:49.052] [ERROR] SchedulerRouter - Error: Could not load weather forecast: TypeError: Cannot read property 'dateTime' of undefined
at WeatherFactory_1.WeatherFactory.getProvider.loadHourly10day.then.catch.e (/usr/src/app/dist/Scheduler.js:60:34)
[2019-05-28T18:58:28.507] [ERROR] SchedulerRouter - Error: Could not load weather forecast: TypeError: Cannot read property 'dateTime' of undefined
at WeatherFactory_1.WeatherFactory.getProvider.loadHourly10day.then.catch.e (/usr/src/app/dist/Scheduler.js:60:34)

xpx commented

I'm also seeing this issue

I can see the exact same error in my log. Unfortunatly I cannot try it out with the wunderground-API as it requires you to have your own station now.

[2019-06-30T10:58:07.171] [ERROR] SchedulerRouter - Error: Could not load weather forecast: TypeError: Cannot read property 'dateTime' of undefined

at WeatherFactory_1.WeatherFactory.getProvider.loadHourly10day.then.catch.e (/usr/src/app/dist/Scheduler.js:60:34)

You can use as well


There aren't any other weather providers possible according to src/WeatherFactory.ts

hi i have same issue anyone found a solution?

Same issue here, would like to hear if anybody found a solution, i'm using Darksky